Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Helping Someone Turn Their House Into Their Home...

One of the best feelings is to have a place to call your own, or a chance to share in this occasion with someone close to you. A place that you can decorate and create a theme that represents you and your passions. So when its time for the housewarming party the moment in time that you share your space with the people that are closest to you, they too will know how great you are and what makes you unique. So why not let Annegelic Designs create the perfect housewarming gift or a great centerpiece for your guest bathroom with our towel cake design. Or simply make a statement as a guest with this awesome design no matter what the purpose may be you can not go wrong with this hand crafted creation.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Partnership Is How You Do Business

On yesterday my business coach and I went out to market ~ANNEGELIC DESIGNS, and it was an awesome day to meet fellow business owners with experience that saw value in my product, that they could see working with me in the future. This means that you will soon be able to get your custom creations from myself and other establishments. Stay tune guys more great things are coming your way!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Google Business Verified

ANNEGELIC DESIGNS now has a google+ business page that is verified. This will give you another great way to keep up with our promotions and events and any other business information you will need so go check it out today ~ANNEGELIC DESIGNS